Monday, November 30, 2009

Waking Up

Turning dreams into reality is never a walk in the park.

Bringing dreams from the realm of fantasy into the realm of actuality is never as easy as we imagine or hope for.

I liken it to waking out of a deep sleep in a warm bed on a cold winter's day. The transition can often be jolting, shocking and even uncomfortable. However, the shift must be made if we are to be productive and successful.

I believe the problem that most people have are twofold.

First, who wants to leave something warm, comfortable and soft? Staying in bed is easy. Staying in bed feels good. Staying in bed is familiar.

Second, some of us have decided that we need to get out of bed, but we get stuck. Our minds are a fog and we can't figure out what to we do once we get out of bed. Do we get dressed, do we brush our teeth, do we find our glasses?

So with the combination of these two, many of us end up in situations that are familiar and easy, rather than find the motivation to get up and out.

Just like getting out of bed, however, while the transition might be jolting at first, eventually we adjust, and we get used to it. We move on and now being out of bed is just as comfortable as being in bed, it's just as familiar, and doesn't take as much effort as we might have thought it would have while we were still in bed.

But the key is making the decision to change.

Many of us want to figure all of this out before we leave the comfort of the familiar. But the reality is that these things can be figured out once we are there.

So what's the moral? Get out of bed. We humans are amazingly great at adapting. We will adjust.
Second, stay out of bed, and do what you have to do until you succeed.

Never let discomfort, lack of direction or confusion keep you tied down.

You have a life to live and dreams to fulfill. So get out of bed!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Why are so many of us afraid to dream?

Zig Ziglar told a story of fleas in a jar. You put fleas in a jar and put a lid on it. The fleas instinctively begin to jump, repeatedly hitting the lid in their attempt to escape. After about 20 minutes of constantly bashing their heads against the lid, they learn that they cannot escape and stop jumping as high as they originally did in order to avoid smacking their heads.

At this point you can remove the lid and the fleas will continue to jump at the same height, never escaping the jar. They conditioned themselves to BELIEVE that they can never escape the jar, so they just stop trying.

So many of us are like these fleas. We have bought the lie. From a young age we are taught that the path to success is to study hard, so we can get into good schools. Then we can get a degree and find a good job. Work hard at the job for 45 years and then we can retire.

We have conditioned ourselves to believe that this is the only way and that we can only get so far. Maybe you tried to go for your dreams, but were just met with pain and disappointment. So you have stopped dreaming of bigger things outside of this. You traded your dreams for security.

But what if there is another way? What if the "lid" isn't there? What if you can really accomplish and have everything that you've ever wanted and wished for?

What would you do if you had all the money in the world and time to do whatever you wanted?

Have you ever even thought about it?

Or have you taught yourself to only go as high as it doesn't hurt.

Friends! The LID is only there if we choose to put it there.

Working 45 years for retirement is NOT the only way. Dreams can and DO come true.

Problem is do you dare to dream?