Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Have you ever said, "I don't have time for that," or "I'm just really busy right now."

Excuse me for being blunt, but "WHATEVER!"

I've been thinking a lot about these two excuses for a few weeks now because I've heard them over and over again from various people.

But, come on, friends, if we're truly honest is it that we "don't have the time?" Or is it more that we "don't want to MAKE time?"

To be frank, I think if you are truly, truly honest, nine out of 10 times the situation is more of the latter.

Think about it.

I mean, yes, granted in today's society, people are busy. They have work, they have school, they have children, and elderly parents to take care of, they have church obligations and social obligations, we commute, we travel, we network. We ARE busy.

However, what happens when, say, your good friend is in town for a few short days and they really want to see you? Are you too busy then?

Your stomach is growling and you're about to faint from hunger, are you too busy to eat?

Most of us wouldn't skip showering because we were "too busy." Would we?

For some of us, we're so busy that we have time to NEVER miss an episode of Heroes or 24 or (fill in name of show).

Now, my point isn't that we should ignore our friends, and not eat and not shower. No. My point is simply that we always seem to find time for things that we want to do and things that are important.

I mean I'll give you a perfectly good example.

Recently, I invited an acquaintance of mine to join me in a venture that I've been working on.

This person showed some interest at first. However, a few weeks later, I get an e-mail. "Sorry, what you're doing sounds really great. But I just don't have the time for that right now." Like I said earlier, WHATEVER. A few days later, I see photos on Facebook of this person partying it up with their friends, with captions like, "so and so's third to last night clubbing in Taiwan." Really, so you're so busy, you have time to go clubbing?

My point is, friends, get your priorities in line.

There will always be time for the things that we WANT to have time for.

You want success? You want to get somewhere in life? You want to do something great? You have to make time for it. These things aren't just going to fall in your lap.

And please, please, stop using the excuse, "I don't have time." Be honest with yourself and with your friends, say, "I'm sorry. But that's just not a priority in my life right now."

Walk on, friends, walk on.

1 comment:

  1. A wise prof of mine once said something that has stuck with me. "We all have 24 hours a day. No more. No less. You CHOOSE how you spend your time."

    And a friend has a way of saying "I GET to do such-and-such" rather than "I've GOT to do..." It all goes back to the choices we make.

    I'd love to hear more sometime about this new venture of yours. Knowing you, it's got to be good!
