Well, last night our topic was David - The Repentant King. We taught on the story of David and Bathsheba. Difficult topic to cover, especially given the fact that Linda and I teach teens. However, God really worked. And there were some really good responses from the teens.
This morning while reflecting over last night's lesson, the strongest desire arose in me. I really want and desire to instill in young men and women this idea that "You are worth the wait."
You see, one of our students shared a story yesterday about how her boyfriend pressured her to have sex by using the now cliche line, "If you loved me, you'd do it." And anytime I hear a story like this, it just makes me angry.
It makes me want to take that guy, slap in the back of the head and say, "You IDIOT! Who do you think you are?" But that would not be a very Christian, nor very helpful thing to do.
As I was venting to God about the idiocy of this guy, and moping about the lost innocence, I felt God giving me his heart for not only the girl, but also the boy.
I felt God telling me that the boy was insecure. He wanted to prove his manhood, and exert control. But it was all coming out the wrong way. And the girl, well, the girl did not and still does not really understand her value. The value that God placed in her.
See, I believe if we truly understand our value, and what God has placed in us. We're not going to give ourselves away so haphazardly. Just like we're not going to just throw a $100 bill into the trash. Ideally, we'd wait until we see something of value before parting with that $100 bill. Bringing this analogy back into the Christian context, of course, it would mean saving yourself for marriage.
There are so many issues surrounding this area of pre-marital sex.
But I think at the core of it is a limited and broken understanding of who we are and whose we are.
You see, if we can understand who we are, how precious we are, and the fact that we are God's children - royalty, we aren't going to just give ourselves to anyone who hasn't proven themselves worthy. Girls, if some guy tries to use the line, "If you loved me you would do this." I'm sorry, well, turn around and tell them "If you loved me, you wouldn't do this." And guys, we are the princes, we're supposed to save lives, and restore lives, not steal and destroy. RESPECT our sisters.
But this brings us to the second area where we lack understanding, we don't understand whose we are. You see, a lot of us would have a hard time saying no to those that we "love." Why? Because we're afraid to lose them. I can't say, "If you loved me, you wouldn't do this." What if he says no and then leaves me? What if I lose him forever?
To that I say GOOD RIDDANCE. You see if you really understand whose you are, that you are a child of THE KING. Then you would realize that this guy, is not the ONLY guy. In fact, he has the best prepared for us. So we wouldn't try to cling onto something that wasn't worth clinging on to.
Too many of us live as if we are orphans. We feel that if we don't grab onto this opportunity, person, etc... for dear life, we're going to lose it and another may not come. But if we live as children of the king, we realize that our Daddy's resources are limitless. Nothing is impossible with our God, our Father.
So, friends, please, please, please. Respect yourself and others. Know that you are so, so precious and so valuable. And also know that our Daddy God loves us and desires to give us the world. So we need not fear that if we lose out on a guy or girl because of our morals that we'll be single for the rest of our lives. In fact, if we can wait, maintain our purity and refuse to compromise, there are beautiful things ahead.
SUCH an important message! Thanks for writing this, C.